Daily Quote and Inspiring Idea–Mirror Exercise

Daily Quote: “A loving person lives in a loving world.  A hostile person lives in a hostile world. Everyone you meet is your mirror.” Ken Keys 

Self-Coaching Challenge: Tonight before you go to bed stop after brushing your teeth (always a good thing to do) and look in the mirror. Draw with a magic marker a straight line cutting the mirror into two sections. Label the top section–Characteristics I love and are my strengths and in the bottom half write down characteristics you dislike or want to change. Reflect on your characteristics and devise a plan to either eliminate a characteristic your dislike or increase a strength you now possess. Enjoy the activity it is fun and keeps you focused on always trying to improve who you are.

Daily Quote: Hitting the Reset Button and Moving On

Daily Quote: “Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than defending or hanging on.”

– Eckhart Tolle

Reflection: Letting go and moving on is a gift to yourself. 

Self-Coaching Challenge: This week take a look at instances in which you are hanging on to the past. Once identified hit the reset button and let go of the pain or emotional weight  dragging you down. Then, evaluate in your journal how this made you feel… I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how this technique frees you and energizes you present moment of “Now” 


Principles for Growth Orientated Self-Coaching

Just wanted to provide my readers with the philosophical

underpinning and operating principles that make

Self-Directed Coaching effective.

They are:

  1. Belief in the other person’s ability to change and grow. Establish the connection and mindset that when people are believed in they begin to discover their strengths and believe in themselves.
  2. Trust others; they learn to trust you and then themselves.
  3. Human beings have a deep and unending need to be understood and connect with at least one other person.
  4. The ability to confront disappointments, pinches in expectations, untruths and fears provide the structure to help people think, feel and act more constructively in meeting their needs and changing their day-to-day lives.
  5. Encourage CLEAR AND AGREED TO EXPECTATIONS, accountability, participation and ownership for behavior and results.
  6. Encourage congruence in values, thinking and authentic action that leads to positive behavioral changes and concrete action.
  7.  Establish habit of Continuous improvement

Just saying–Take a Closer look at Events and Keep Believing in Yourself

DAILY QUOTE and REFLECTIONS “ We are disturbed not by events, but by beliefs which we hold about them”. –Epictetus, Philosopher


Efficiency is your friend if you are focused on doing the important and right things in life which by the way is called effectiveness.  Don’t put in loads of work and effort if it doesn’t yield profound results.

  • Prepare your mind for the difficult road to create meaning and purpose in life and don’t let events shake your belief in yourself.
  • Do not clutter your mind. Reduce how much information you take-in—Step back and reflect on the most important “thing” to do right now”
  • Work efficiently towards becoming a master of your own personal time and energy
  • Remember doing the right thing (effectiveness) is as important as doing things right (efficiency). So tie your wagon to doing what’s important if you want to be seen as a leader.