The Power of with Holding feedback

” Friendship that insists upon agreement on all matters is not worth the name. Friendship to be real must ever sustain the weight of honest differences, however sharp they be.Gandhi
 Gandhi quotes 


Omnipotent Fantasy. People believe that their feedback or message will crush the other person because they are too fragile and won’t be strong enough to listen, hear and change their behavior. Don’t take responsibility for other people’s reactions. We often stop ourselves from speaking in order to not rock the boat or to avoid conflict. We don’t say hard things that may help others improve because we don’t want to we’re worried about how others will react. This actually does a great disservice to others and many times keeps them from feedback that could help them grow and accept their impact on others. So they don’t get better. My message is to manage and own your half of the relationship and let others manage theirs.